Friday, February 10, 2017

The Fight Over Transgender Bathrooms

The 85th Texas Legislative Session is still in effect, many bills are getting propose or bills have been passed. Recently, Senator Lois Kolkhorst proposes SB 6 bill, the bill requires transgender to use bathrooms in public schools, government buildings and public universities based on their biological sex. The article, Religious leaders enter both sides of fight over transgender bathrooms by Chuck Lindell, describe the views of religious leader that are against this bill. Many religious leaders feel  religion and politics should be separated and this bill violate the rights of transgender. Pastor Willie Davis from Houston said, “Equal protection means exactly that, and we must keep all Texas women and children from suffering the violation of their privacy and safety that American blacks fought to eliminate.” Davis is saying this bill is discriminating and violates their civil rights. Pastor Steve Branson and other religious leaders are planning to make lawmakers liable if SB 6 bill passes, he said “This is simple. The Legislature will either protect decency, safety, and freedom for all Texans equally by passing SB 6, or bow to radical liberalism that does not reflect the Texas we love.” Pastor Steve just wants everyone to be treated equal and I agree with him. This article is worth reading because you can see how Texas government likes to mixing religion and politics and we all know that those are suppose to be separate. I honest believe bathroom are not important, Texas legislative should propose bills to benefit all resident and treat everyone equal. 

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