Friday, February 24, 2017

Commentary on Latinos Won’t Turn Texas Blue Anytime Soon

Over 100 years, Texas was a blue state. Recent years, Republicans have dominated election making Texas a red state. Democrats having to try to make Texas again a Democrat state, but the Republican Party has been a strong political party here in Texas. In the article Latinos Won’t Turn Texas Blue Anytime Soon by R.G. Ratcliffe, describe the impact Latino vote could have if most of them were register voter and voted for Democratic Party.  R.G. Ratcliffe’s article provides facts, statistics, and valid points throughout his article to support his argument that the Latino votes aren't going to be significant now but possibly in the future. He mentions how Democrats base their believes that Democrats can win over Republicans base on Latinos demographics, but even if there’s a city populated with many Latinos it doesn’t mean they’re eligible to vote. R.G. Ratcliffe argues that many Latino who are eligible to vote may not vote Democrat possible they may vote Republican, not only that some Latinos voter preferred a candidate that fully connected with the Latino voters. One of his major points in his article is that 4.8 million Latinos are eligible votes even though Latinos population in Texas is 10.4 million if the rest were eligible it could make the Democrat party win elections.  R.G. Ratcliffe providing facts and statistics, making the reader interested and wants to learn more because Latinos are not minorities anymore and they have a strong influence in the government. I believe he has many valid points about Latino vote not influencing right away; there are many factors that need to improve: knowledge on how to register, finding candidates who connected with the Latino voters and a better voter turn out. R.G. Ratcliffe’s article made me realize how voting can make it or break a political party and the next years hopefully we see more latino voter voting on election day. I think this article can make people reflect on how their vote can count, the article structure is well thought out. I can’t wait to see what would happen in the next years, maybe Texas would be a blue state again.

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