Friday, March 10, 2017

Commentary: Grits for Breakfast Blog

Scott Henson aka Grits is the author of the blog “The Grits for Breakfast,” in this recent blog “Why Grits still opposes a Texas texting ban” he writes about his feeling towards texting ban laws.  Grits feel that the government is creating stricter laws for distracted drivers who are utilizing their phones while driving, so the government can make money by issuing tickets. Grits mention that San Antonio police gave out 12,000 tickets for texting while driving, $200 each fine; in total, they raise about $2.4 millions in fines. So now law enforcement can do more traffic stops in order to make more money. He feels that he would cause more problems than solution. He provides evidence from a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety that shows the increasing number in crashes in the state who had texting bans. This week, the legislation up in the Texas House Transportation Committee would decision on new texting ban laws; Grits isn’t in favor. He doesn’t approve texting while driving, but he thinks that anyone shouldn’t get stop randomly because they may have their phone next to them not texting receive a fine for it. I believe Grits has evidence to support this argument, I think he speaks for everyone. I agree with everything he said, sometimes we have our phone next to us and we may not use it, but cops can’t see what you're doing they just assume your texting base of your driving or your head position. I recommend everyone to read this blog it’s really good.

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